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Dusty's Haven Horse Club

In 2013, we started a horse club for local children, who are as passionate about horses as we are. This club was set up to include children from families that would not be able to afford riding lessons and learn about these majestic animals.


We study about our horse friends, using various books and videos. There is a wealth of information in the books we use.  There's more to understanding horses than riding them. Health care and the upkeep on the farm is also important to understand for the safety and well-being of our  horse friends.

Calendar June.jpg

Our club meets every other Thursday evening from 6-8 PM, as well as gathering for a hands on clinic, when time permits on a Saturday.  We are a unique club, where there is no need for members to own or lease a horse in order to benefit from this program.  Member ages range from 8 to 21 and we offer  the chance for women to join as well.  


Each member is expected to follow our club rules, which consist of basic safety, and respect for all those present.  We have a point system in place to encourage club participation.  Every point earned becomes Dusty Bucks.  During our end of the year club auction/celebration, these bucks are used for bidding on various horse related items.  The more bucks one has, the higher they may bid on an item.  Each year's auction is exciting, to say the least.


Points are acquired by club attendance, wearing club shirts, collecting pop tops, providing a horse related presentation to the club, reading and providing a summary on a horse book, and attending club functions, such as outings and special events, including parades. 


This club is run by adolescent officers, and guided by adult volunteers.  These officers have grown in wisdom as well as character, along with enhancing leadership skills.  All these positive traits will be useful for the rest of their lives, therefore helping them to grow in a positive direction.  Horses have a unique way of teaching us all positive life lessons, which have the tendency of flowing over into all aspects of our lives.

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252 Poole Bridge Rd. Hiram, GA 30141


All material and pictures are owned by Dusty's Haven unless otherwised noted and may only be used with explicit written permission.

© 2009-2018 Dusty's Haven   All Rights Reserved

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